
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Win it Wednesday: 7/15/15

The following links are a few giveaways/contests currently happening online that end in less than a week. Good luck!

Baby wearing:


Cloth diapering:
      Grovia hook/loop "Adventure" shell & a 2-pack of no- prep inserts,  runs July 15-July 21, 2015 at Abby's Lane Store

Gentle parenting:

     4 pack of tickets to Silverwood Theme Park, ends 7/18/15, at Take That Exit
     (1) silicone teething necklace or baby carrier accessory of your choice, ends  7/16/15, at Trendy Mommy Designs

Friday, July 10, 2015

Fun Fact Friday: USA Energy

Did you know that the United States uses 25% of the world's energy while only being 4% of the world's population? Yikes!

I didn't until a few days ago and it's been on my mind constantly since.This scary statistic is one of many tidbits of information revealed in the documentary, Drying for Freedom. If you haven't watched this film, I strongly recommend you do. I am really glad that our family air dries the cloth diapers for our youngest child, but I am inspired to do more. We currently use the below A-frame rack and it works wonderfully.

This weekend, I will be hanging a clothesline in our backyard so that can dry some of our other laundry outside.

Do you use a clothesline? Why or why not?

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Win it Wednesday: 7/9/15

The following links are a few giveaways/contests I found currently happening online that end in less than a week. Good luck!

Baby wearing:
     BBTai Mei Tai, at the Facebook page of Keep Calm and Carry Them

Cloth diapering:
      (1) bumGenius Chico Limited Edition Freetime OS AIO, ends 7/9/15, at Diaper Junction
      $25 Kelly's Closet gift certificate, ends 7/9/15 8pm ET, at The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

Gentle parenting:


Friday, June 12, 2015

She's Crafty: Stash Jar

I admit, I am a fan of the current stache craze. Something about people acting silly & putting fancy mustaches on makes me smile. So I couldn't resist buying a set of stache vinyl shapes at a local craft store when they went on sale last month. I wasn't sure what I would exactly use them for, but that didn't bother me.

Lo and behold...Father's Day gave me the perfect opportunity to use them. I came up with the idea of making stache (stash) jars for the favorite guys in my life.

For my husband, I bought him three flavors of licorice and put each in a plastic jar with a stache on the front.

For my Father-in-law, I decided to give him a dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies in a jar. My children call him "Papa", so I used my Silhouette to cut out the words "Papa's Emergency" to put right above a picture of a {mus}stache.

After all was done, I was very happy with the results. Easy to make, fun to look at, and something I know they will both enjoy!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Fun Fact Friday: The b(r)est prevention

Breastfeeding is a natural prevention against breast cancer. 

The results of a study released by the University of Geneva shows that The longer women breastfeed the more they are protected against breast cancer.

Did you know that breastfeeding reduces the chances of not just the mother, but also the baby of developing breast cancer?

For the Mother, the risk can be reduced as much as 59% and 25% for the baby. 

How awesome is that?


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

2015 Great Cloth Diaper Change

The evidence for our location's event was submitted to the Real Diaper Association for verification and I am proud to share that it was accepted.

We had 49 pairs successfully participate in the worldwide 2015 Great Cloth Diaper Change!

Thank you and congratulations!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Greek Taco

Here is a yummy snack I created out of my kitchen on a whim. I didn't have any olives on hand (insert sad face), but if I did this baby would be stuffed with kalamata olives.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Treasure Valley Natural Parenting Expo

Next month I am hosting an event here in Southwest Idaho.

 I'm so excited to be a part of the 5th annual Great Cloth Diaper Change and am looking forward to helping to break last years world record for the number of cloth diapers changed at one time.

8,459 cloth diapers were changed at 188 locations in 18 countries on 6 continents.

How awesome is that!?!

The event for this year will be held at the Nampa Public Library on Saturday, April 18, 2015. Please visit our Facebook page for more details.

Friday, February 13, 2015

She's Crafty: Upcycled maracas

One of my favorite ways to play with my toddler is with music and movement. He really seems to enjoy making noise, like most babies. While doing some recent Spring cleaning, I realized we had quite a few empty prescription bottles laying around. They could be recycled, but instead I decided to upcycle them into toddler toys!

Note: You can definitely skip the decorating part. I choose to decorate them so my kindergartner could also play with the maracas in a different way and also work on word and number recognition skills.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I found this website and am IN LOVE!!! I adore the baby tees.

RuffleButt Banner

Click here to check out this adorable line of baby wear!