
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Engorgement hurts.

Several times unfortunately I have experienced engorgement while breastfeeding.

The first time was when my 1st child was stillborn at 28 weeks. My milk came in a few days after delivering him. I had no idea what to do and my Dr. gave me no Rx or advice. So I just suffered thru it. :(

With my 2nd, I was engorged while away from him for a business conference for about five days. Along with pumping and an OTC pain reliever, I took a lot of hot showers.

With my 3rd, I was working part-time and going to school full-time while she was in child care, so I had some episodes of engorgement. I would just try to pump as often as possible when away from her.

This time (4th) I am happy to say I have only been engorged once, when I had mastitis. I used cold packs, hot showers, pumped, and tried to nurse as often as possible. It still was like carrying rocks around. Did I mention I am a size 44H? Yeah - the size of most people's heads. HUGE rocks.

I sure WISH I knew about Earth Mama Angel Baby Bosom Buddies. ugh.

Check out the EMAB Facbook page for more details. Trust me, you will want relief as soon as possible.